
Install Azure ML Python SDK

Creating the Wrokspace

Creating Simple omoute Target

The following example creates a compute target in your workspace with:

Modify this code below to update to GPU, or to change the SKU of your VMs.

now after setting the Compute target you can acess the compute with this code below


Workspaces are a foundational object used throughout Azure ML and are used in the constructors of many other classes. Throughout this documentation we frequently omit the workspace object instantiation and simply refer to the above codes.

This has to be a part of the

This is the onfigfile that is .azureml/config.json

    "subscription_id": <subscription-id>,
    "resource_group": <resource-group>,
    "workspace_name": <workspace-name>

Some use tips is to have the .azureml/ as the path as this path exists in the Workspace.from_config method.

The Workspace Assets : provides a handle to your Azure ML assets

1. Compute Target that are attached to the workspace

ws.compute_targets: Dict[str, ComputeTarget]

2. DataStores that is registerd to the workspace

ws.datastores: Dict[str, Datastore]

To get the Workspaces Defualt Datastore

ws.get_default_datastore(): Datastore

3. Keyvault

ws.get_default_keyvault(): Keyvault

4. Environments

ws.environments: Dict[str, Environment]

5. MLFlow

ws.get_mlflow_tracking_uri(): str

To get the list of the Compute Target

or else you can check them in the portal of the Azure ML Studio


Fist select the "compute" then select the "Computer Clusters" and then clik on the New tab

Piture credit : Microsft Documentation

Compute name: This will be used to refer to the calculate later. It is necessary to provide a name. The length of your name must be between 2 and 16 characters. Letters, numbers, and the - character are all valid characters. Virtual Machine type: Either the CPU or the GPU

Type of virtual machine: CPU or GPU Virtual Machine Priority: "Dedicated" or "Low priority"> Low priority virtual machines are less expensive, but the computing nodes are not guaranteed. It's possible that your work will be pre-empted.

Virtual Machine Size: Choose from a drop-down menu. The whole list may be seen here.

Compute will autoscale between the minimum and maximum number of nodes based on the number of tasks submitted. Setting min nodes = 0 causes the cluster to scale down to 0 while no tasks are running on the compute, saving you money.

Idle seconds before scaling down: We'll wait a few seconds before scaling down the cluster to the bare minimum of nodes.

Machine Learning compute is always created in the same region as the Machine Learning service workspace.

via the SDK