Logging metrics

When you log a measure to a run, that metric is saved in the experiment's run record.All logged metrics should be shown and kept in a history.


Log a single metric value to a run.

You can log the same metric multiple times within a run; the results will be displayed as a chart.


Log a metric with multiple columns.

:::info More logging options These are arguably the most often used APIs for logging metrics, but a comprehensive list, including logging lists, tables, and pictures, can be found here. :::

Viewing metrics

Metrics will be provided in the Azure ML Studio by default. Choose a location for your run, such as either simply going to ml.azure.com, or by downloading the SDK:


Via the SDK

Viewing metrics in a run

To view all recorded values for a given metric my-metric in a given experiment my-experiment:


Logging with MLFlow

Use MLFlow to log metrics in Azure ML.

Logging with PyTorch Lightning

This examples:

Now include this logger in the lightning Trainer class: